Flume is the Smart Way to Monitor Water Usage

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Last summer our water bill was fluctuating a lot. It turns out we had a slow drip on a outdoor faucet that we didn’t catch for a couple months and it cost us. If we had a Flume smart home water monitor we probably would have caught the leak as soon as it started.

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How often do you look at your water usage in-depth? If you are like me, not often, unless you notice a big discrepancy between bills, but by that time a month or more may have passed during which you’ve wasted a ton of water and thrown money down the drain.

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Flume has arrived with a solution to your water usage woes. Here’s how it works.

  1. Connect the Flume device to your home WiFi.
  2. Strap Flume to your water meter.
  3. Download the Flume app and start monitoring your water usage in real time.

It’s really that simple.

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Here’s why you should monitor your water usage.

  • You can setup Flume to provide you with alerts when water has been running for a preset amount of time that can indicate a possible leak.
  • Flume can provide neighborhood comparisons based on usage, to help you determine if you are inline with how much water households of your size are consuming.
  • Set water budgets and receive alerts when you go over budget or are nearing the threshold so you can be more concious of your water usage.
  • Prevent water damage by immediately addressing flooding due to a blown water hose from your diswasher or washing machine.

Check out more from Flume.

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