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Five Simple Beginner’s Ikea Hacks

A little while back, we read an article detailing a list of things an expert thought should not be bought at Ikea — leaving pretty much decorative accessories as the only “purchasable” items recommended. As we’re sure you know,…

Holiday Decorating On The Cheap

With Halloween barely behind us, it’s hard to imagine the holiday season being around the corner. However, as retailers advertise Black Friday sales and grocery stores closing out their turkey order lists, you’d better believe ’tis the season indeed.…

Home Depot Kitchen Updates – Quick & Cheap

The Home Depot website has all kinds of nooks and crannies to explore while looking for information and helpful hints, including a blog. This post, which I found through “liking” them on Facebook, has OODLES of quick and cheap…

The Series: Going Green, Simple and Cheap

Over on our green building site we’ve been sharing a great series from our blogger Tabatha on Going Green, Simple and Cheap. This series offers green tips that are easy to do and cost little or nothing for almost…