Moving into a new season typically means that there are some home maintenance tasks you can check off your to-do list.
That’s especially true as we head into fall, as much of the country will begin to experience cooler temperatures before winter’s frigid grip takes hold.

To make sure your home is in tip-top shape, consider tackling some of these checklist items:
Check Your Home’s Airflow
Clean and vacuum any built-up dust from your vents, stove hood, room fans, baseboard heaters and dryer vents. Not only will you help encourage uninterrupted air flow, but keeping these areas clean can help decrease your risk of fire.
Crank Up the Heat
Have your heating system inspected and serviced. An important step you can handle on your own? Change the furnace filters. It’s always a great idea to make sure your system is in working order before the temperatures plunge and you’re left with a faulty heater.
Light My Fire
We’re entering fireplace season, so make sure your fireplace and chimney are clean and free of any debris or build-up. You may want to call in a professional to clean your fireplace flue and liners, which will prevent a build-up of creosote.
Paint and Carpet
If you’re planning to do any interior painting, carpet cleaning or carpet replacement, make sure to tackle these projects while the weather is still mild and you can keep your windows open for additional ventilation.
Check Your Insulation
Your home’s insulation is a critical component in keeping you and your family warm during the window, so do a visual inspection around your home, including the exterior, to check for any spots that may need new caulk or weatherstripping. Windows and doors are prime candidates for air leaks, so pay careful attention to these areas.
Once you’ve finished the list, you can kick back, relax and enjoy some football (the best part of fall, right?) And if you have any other summer-to-fall maintenance tasks that you’ve made a regular part of your routine, we’d love to hear them!