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van life

Cordless Drill/Driver Buying Guide

Cordless drills/drivers should be included in any list of required do-it-yourself tools. The applications and uses are endless and they are extremely simple to use. If you’re going with the convenience of cordless you can use the tool to…

Black & Decker 24 Volt Cordless String Trimmer/Edger Review

Black & Decker has introduced an upgrade to their cordless trimmer/edger with a 24V model. It’s still light, strong and maneuverable but with much more power than their 18V offering. Hits: Ease of operation, Battery life, Clean, Power Boost…

October Is The Best Month To Buy Appliances

The brilliant minds at Lifehacker are back with their “Best Things To Buy” list, and this month, kitchen appliances are one of the featured items. Much like clothing and other stores swap out seasonal merchandise, appliance stores are trying…

Fall Is A Great Time To Stain Your Deck

The cooler weather of fall is the perfect time to stain your deck. There may not be the same motivation without the sunny summer days to look forward to, but without that scorching heat a staining project can actually…

Hands-On Confidential: Rustoleum’s Countertop Paint

Once upon a time I wrote a post about countertop paint, made for laminate surfaces like you find in kitchens and bathrooms. I dreamed of someday utilizing it in my kitchen and reporting back, but between bigger projects and…

Rebuilding Together with Sears at Fifty for Five

It’s important to us that we contribute to our time to help homeowners in need. We had a great experience last year volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, so when we received the invitation from Sears to participate in Fifty…

3D Virtual Room Planning Tools

As technology and software keeps advancing the sophistication in 3D virtual room planning tools continues to grow. This list will help you find an online design tool that works best for you. All of these are free with so…

How To Safely Sell Items on Craigslist

Craigslist can be a DIY’ers dream. Just about everything under the sun can be found for purchase, and usually for a decent price. On the flipside, selling unused or excess items from your home and projects can be an…