All Posts By

Katy Schamberger

Delta Faucet Outlines Emerging Kitchen Trends

Although most of the activities and presentations throughout Delta Faucet’s 2010 Media Day revolved around products and installation, the event also included sporadic discussions of current and upcoming trends. Being a fashion- and decor-minded person, I enjoyed hearing about…

Avoid The Number-One Kitchen Renovation Mistake

The kitchen is often the heart and soul of any home, so it’s no surprise that kitchen renovations are the most popular home improvement projects. Yet because a kitchen needs a high degree of functionality as well as design…

Create Bathroom Bliss With A Converted Dresser

I came across a great DIY bathroom project from the brilliant minds at Better Homes and Gardens. Instead of purchasing a new vanity, consider converting an existing dresser into the perfect sink space, complete with plenty of drawers! The…

Solve Your Landscaping Woes With Goats

During the dog days of summer, one of the last things you want to do on a regular basis is tend to your lawn. Yet if your yard is truly out of control, here’s an idea from the Wall…

The Most Popular Kitchen Colors

Annual color forecasts are often a barometer by which home decor, design and other companies introduce trends and products. Have you noticed an increase in turquoise this year? That’s because it was named the Pantone color of the year…

Infuse Your Toolbox With A Pop Of Pretty

If you, like me, are on a constant mission to surround yourself with pretty things, then Cynthia Rowley’s new tool collection should definitely be on your radar. Basic home improvement supplies, including hammers, pliers and screwdrivers, become a little…

Add Spice To Your Kitchen With Built-In Rack

I have a kitchen conundrum. Storage space is minimal in my loft, especially in the kitchen area. One of the things I really need? A spice rack. I’ve been searching for wall-mounted varieties to add to my wedding registry,…

Create Wow-Worthy Windows With A DIY Valance

Thoughtful window treatments are a basic way to add style and panache to a room. Consider a valance at the top of the window that will coordinate with your fabrics–and the room’s color scheme–while adding a finished polish to…

By The Numbers: Upholstery Charts

Whether you want to spruce up a chair or breathe new life into a couch, DIY upholstering is a great weekend project that can easily add impact to a room without draining your wallet on a new piece of…

Belt Tiles Make Sophisticated Flooring A Cinch

File this one under “What will they think of next?” You’ve heard about using reclaimed wood for floors, but how about accessories? Ting London, the brainchild of designer Inghua Ting, has launched a line of floor tiles made from…

Tips To Put Your Fridge-Buying Fears On Ice

Searching for the perfect refrigerator is a bit like a quest for the holy grail. What brand? How large? Do you want a fridge and freezer side-by-side, or do you prefer a drawer freezer at the bottom of the…

Add Intrigue To Your Home With A Secret Room

It’s confession time, C&H readers. When I imagine the house of my dreams, there are several must-have features on that list: a claw-footed bathtub, a library with floor-to-ceiling shelves (and a purple velvet chaise, but that’s another story!) AND,…

Are Single-Basin Sinks Superior?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve lived in homes with double-basin sinks. Although I sometimes find myself cramped for space, I’ve developed inherent habits that instruct me to use the left side for rinsing/washing/pre-dishwasher purgatory and the…

Best Bets For Kitchen Flooring

August is Kitchen Remodel Month here at Charles & Hudson, which means we’re focusing on what is arguably the heart of any home. Research compiled by the National Kitchen and Bath Association indicates that kitchen renovations account for the…

Hardwood Floor Installation Tutorial

Whether you opt for light or dark, new or reclaimed, installing hardwood floors in all or a portion of your home is a surefire way to introduce a completely new aesthetic–and test your DIY prowess. It may seem daunting,…

Building a Sandbox of Your Child’s Dreams

I don’t know about you, but as a kid, I spent the majority of my time in a sandbox. My favorite park in my hometown had a huge sandpit complete with child-sized, handle-operated “backhoes” with which we could dig…

KC Shipping Container Home Is Eco-Friendly

Debbie Glassberg, a Kansas City resident and toy designer, has been the talk of the town since construction began on her modern, eco-friendly home made entirely of steel shipping containers. The building process began in early 2009 after the…

Dwelling:3918 Chronicles A Complete Renovation

Thanks to a tip from one of my favorite local blogs, I found myself with a new must-read site. Dwelling:3918 tells the story of one Kansas City family’s quest to completely renovate a 122-year-old stone home in their scenic…

Preparing For Delivery Of Construction Materials

Earlier this week, I came across a humorous anecdote about homeowners who had a huge pile of gravel delivered to their house for an upcoming project. A miscommunication occurred between the two parties, and the monstrous pile of gravel…

Apartment Renovation Inspiration

I can’t stop looking at the pictures of a full apartment renovation that recently appeared in a guest post on one of my favorite blogs, A Brooklyn Limestone In Progress. The contributor, Nicole Cohen, just launched her own blog…

KCPD Advocates Environmental Design As Crime Deterrent

Forget expensive security gadgets and high-tech alarm systems. Sometimes the best crime deterrents are the result of environmental design factors, which include a careful survey of your property and home to spot potential problem areas. In a video tutorial…

Use Whitewash Or Pickling To Refresh Hardwood Floors

If you’re eager to alter the color of your hardwood floors but prefer a more classic, timeless hue, consider a gentle alteration using two techniques: whitewashing and pickling. Whitewashing, an ideal treatment for pine floors, brightens wood while allowing…

Green Depot: A One-Stop Shop For Eco-Conscious Materials

After tackling home improvement projects and becoming frustrated at a lack of green building materials and supplies, Sarah Beatty took matters into her own hands. The result? Green Depot, an online retailer founded in 2005 that has expanded to…

Contain DIY Waste With The Bagster

My inspiration for C&H blog posts knows no bounds–magazines, newspapers, HGTV, friends and family–and now, television commercials. Last night, I found myself intrigued by an ad for The Bagster, a dumpster in a bag that can be purchased at…

Tips For Painting Stained Wood Furniture

Reviving a piece of wood furniture with a new coat of paint is a simple and relatively inexpensive way to bring a fresh burst of DIY personality to any room. As with any home project, however, a little preparation…

Transform A Wall With Dry-Erase Paint

I’ve long thought about using a can of chalkboard paint to transform my overly large water closet door into a scribble-friendly service. A new discovery from MDC Wallcoverings has me re-thinking that plan. If you prefer markers to chalk,…

Must-Have Home Gadgets

Imagine my surprise–and delight–when a Mashable alert popped up on my iPhone with this enticing headline: “5 Gadgets That Will Transform Your Home.” It’s not terribly often that the self-proclaimed “online guide to social media” delves into home topics,…

Use Paint To Seal Swollen Doors

If the humidity where you are is anything like what I’m experiencing in Kansas City, well . . . you know what it’s like to be outside in air that feels like soup! A common household problem during muggy…

Majority Of Homeowners Prioritize Home Improvements

A survey taken by American Express (and reported by MarketWatch of The Wall Street Journal digital network) indicates that a majority of homeowners will continue to invest in home improvements throughout the remainder of the year. According to survey…

Eco-Inspired Wallpaper For Children

Despite the increasing array of environmentally friendly interior paint available, many consumers still prefer the graphic punch of wallpaper. If you’re seeking an eco-friendly alternative to traditional papers, consider the “Eco” line from Graham & Brown. According to the…

June Is Best Month To Buy Tools

For the home improvement amateurs and experts, tools are a necessary part of the job. And with new models coming out in a nearly constant rotation, the temptation to add to a tool collection is ever-present. Thanks to the…